Monday, June 14, 2010

My neighborhood map

This is my neighborhood map. We had to walk around our neighbor hood and try to memorize the different things around our neighborhood. I got every corner store and the houses and interesting places. You can see my neighborhood map if you look to the left. this project was fun because we got to draw in class and not get in trouble.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy my blog

Raquel Milagros Rodriguez- Ramos

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Suprise :-D

Today our class went down for graduation rehershal. We've gotten better and have accomplished some of it . the real graduation is next week thursday. Were shaking because so many exit projects are due. We know we can go above expectations and know that we can finsh them all when due. We are very excited and ready to graduate. Prom is going to be loads of fun and FINALLY SCHOOL WILL BE OVERRRRR!!!!!!!

Tip- dont focus on one thing at a time make sure you keep an clear view of everything.

your bloggers Jaynise Ryner and Raquel Milagros Rodriguez-Ramos

leave a comment on what you think we should blog about next time



An interesting discovery me and Jaynise had found was that though our blocks are not that big their were certain spots around the neighborhood we have never seen before.
We also discovered that not everything is going to be a fairytale. you may want something one way and it may turn out diffrent than you expected to find.

thats all for now and we'll blog soon:-)